Collection: Diane Dean

Diane Dean has been a creative since she was a child when she started attending an "after school" sewing and craft club with a neighbor. She learned hand sewing and crocheting and was very proud of the projects she brought home. Diane really delved into art in high school and took as many elective art classes as was possible.  Ceramics and printmaking were a favorite. This led to registering as an art major in college, but sadly dropping out because of insecurity. As an elementary school teacher Diane spent 38 years incorporating art into her program which kept her creativity alive. She continued to take inservice art classes to keep herself fresh with ideas for her students. At the same time she did embroidery, needlepoint, crocheting, and knitting to feed her creative appetite. Upon retirement in 2017, Diane committed to getting back into art by taking classes at the local community college's continuing education program. Online classes followed where she began to follow Jennifer Chamberlin in The Maker Beehive where her creativity "exploded" allowing her to discover a love for expressing herself in mixed media and collage. 

Diane Dean

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