Collection: Annita Escobar
“Life is art. Art is life. I never separate it.” A quote from artist Ai Wei Wei, a contemporary Chinese artis. When Annita thinks about her artful journey up to this point in time, art has always been a part of her daily life. Whether she creates it herself or she sees it somewhere throughout her day. Looking back, Annita realizes now that she have been creating art since she was a child. She believes she inherited her creative force from her mother. Annita's mother was always making art and crafting in her home making everything she touched beautiful. Annita says, "The thing is, that I never considered myself an artist until I found this cute, artful and fun community called The Maker Beehive. Without this community’s support, I wouldn’t be right here right now." Annita's love of art and creating runs deep from within her soul. The love of her heritage, the love of her faith and the love of her family inspire her but it’s the Maker Beehive that has given her the tools she needs to express her love through mixed media. Annita's offerings here will often change and vary depending on the season or her mood, but it’s all made with love and about having fun.